Salesforce New Year Resolutions for 2021
For Salesforce® admins, a new year presents an opportunity to strengthen your environment, learn new features, apply best practices, and really set the tone for the rest of the year.
2021 comes with the added pressure of kicking off a new year still mired in the middle of a global pandemic and all that comes with it personally and professionally. But to ease your stress, AdVic polled our awesome team of consultants and compiled a list of seven Salesforce New Year Resolutions — and tips — to consider that will help you and your team crush your collective goals in 2021! Bookmark it, print it out, keep it handy… and all the best to you and yours in 2021!
Top 7 2021 Salesforce Resolutions
- Transition to Lightning
- Lightning has matured and has most if not all features you will need.
- New functionality will allow for increased productivity.
2. Automate Manual Processes
- It’s 2021, automate everything.
- Free people up to do more complex tasks.
3. Integration with Systems Outside of Salesforce
- Stop flipping to multiple systems for information.
- Tons of middlemen and connects out there.
4. Learn About a New Cloud That Can Streamline Your Business
- Sales or Service Cloud™ probably doesn’t run your entire business, explore other clouds.
- Explore other clouds such as Commerce Cloud to add a new sales channel.
5. Stop Developing in Production
- Use proper development life cycle IE developing in sandbox and deploying to production.
- Reduce data loss and production scares.
- Have confidence in making changes and deployments.
6. Start Writing Documentation for all Orgs Automation and Integration
- You didn’t do it the first time, but now is your chance to help your future self and others that come into the org with documentation.
- This will help you understand what is going on your org.
7. Clean Up/Remove Objects and Automation Not Being Used
- Review all of the automation in your org to understand if it’s still useful.
- Use AppExchange tools to see how often the automation has run.
2021 is here… Embrace it! Read more Salesforce Blogs from Ad Victoriam here.